Lighthearted accents of Art Deco punctuate the early Renaissance ambiance of Hearst Castle. One of the most engaging examples is this covered jar. On its underside, the inscription “Atelier Primavera” appears in black, identifying the jar as a product of the French chain of department stores called Au Printemps, primavera being the Italian word for printemps (meaning “springtime” to refer to the shop.) Atelier Primavera, the exclusive house-brand of the department store, was established in 1912 to promote excellent quality and design in decorative arts, but after the end of World War I, the activity expanded to furniture and the creation of entire rooms. The pinnacle of the operation was achieved in the 1925 International exposition of Decorative Arts in Paris where Atelier Primavera had its own free-standing pavilion. That fair promoting arts décoratifs gave its name to a new style called “art deco.” Madeleine Sougez, designer of our jar, possessed multifaceted talent in several media and was head of the studio for several years (1920-1928.) How this jar was acquired is not known: it might have been a gift to Heart from a guest, or it might have been purchased without a record of its origin. The jar is displayed in Casa del Monte, one of the guest cottages on the hilltop.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025